The S/Heroes Journey: Women Take the Lead
Women aren’t waiting for the handsome prince to rescue them. Moms can prepare their daughters to lead–here are 3 ideas to get you started
Women aren’t waiting for the handsome prince to rescue them. Moms can prepare their daughters to lead–here are 3 ideas to get you started
“Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” ~Albert Einstein I write science fiction. Time travel, to be specific. It’s about making stuff up for a world that doesn’t (yet) exist. In the case of … Continue >
On a recent Thursday afternoon in February, I was invited to do a Twitter Takeover for Young Entertainment Magazine (@YoungEntMag), doing a #YAauthorTakeover. I was a little nervous in the lead-up, but the two hours flew by. I’ve used screen shots to capture here–because ye olde Storify is no longer an option (boo!). So the … Continue >
“A strong heroine and intriguing concept” ~Kirkus Review Rockville, Md. (April 15, 2017) – In a debut novel, Edge of Yesterday (www.edgeofyesterday.com), author Robin Stevens Payes, brings Leonardo da Vinci and his visionary powers to life through the eyes of a modern-day teen. When 13-year-old Charley Morton decides to build Leonardo da Vinci’s plans for … Continue >
Charley has just begun to plot her next adventure, a journey forward from Leonardo’s time to a period where the world was unevenly wakening to what it means to be fully alive, fully human. In the early to mid-1700s, most of humanity (at least in the Western world) was still firmly in the grips of … Continue >
As I toil away on the second draft of my novel, Out of Time, thinking of the time, care, creative energy and effort I have put forth on this epic adventure, beginning with the seed of a story in 1997 through the prodigious output resulting in today’s (2014) screenplay-novel-tweet storytelling, Web-based learning platform, I wonder … Continue >